Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Classses Senior Year

This year I am graduating early so I only have half a semester to do. My classes are not hard but they are not what I expected to be in this year. At my old school I had already chose my classes, however I had planned doing two years worth of classes. When i came to my new school I found out that many of the classes I signed up for they did not have. For instance I wanted to take a third year of Theater class but Moline did not have those classes. I also planned on taking a BLack Literature class, but Moline did not provide that class as an option either.
Coming to this school I realized everything has changed. Including my surroudings, my friends, and even my classes. I know a have a lot of adapting to do, but I believe it should be fine, considering I only have half a semester to do.


  1. Michelle....good writing piece. Yes, not all schools have the same classes, but you are doing a well at adapting. In college you will definitely find what you are looking for, so don't worry. Good job though!

  2. Good blog, I can see how you are kind of bumbed that Moline doesn't have a couple of classes that you would like. Patty is right though, college will have exactly what you're looking for. Are you sad that high school is almost over for you? Good job, just remember to proof read though.
